We’re tackling the problem of overdrinking In today’s episode with Patrick Fox. Patrick helps men who want to stop drinking and is the host of the Alcohol Rethink Podcast.
Alcohol can have damaging affects on relationships. I’ve seen it too many times to count. But there is hope!
Patrick shares his own story about drinking and how he changed his life forever. He gives tips on how to talk to our partners about their drinking, how we can help them, and we can help ourselves.
What You’ll Learn From This Episode:
- How drinking too much can hurt our relationships.
- The importance of learning why people drink too much.
- Why letting go of shame is at the root of healing.
- How drinking can affect parenting.
- Tips for talking to your partner about their drinking.
Listen now! And share with a friend who might have a spouse struggling with over-drinking. She will thank you!
Mentioned On The Show:
- If you’d like to ask questions or tell me what you think, send an email to hello@rachaelcunningham.com
- Go here to watch a free class and get on my newsletters. https://www.rachaelcunningham.com/
- If you’d like to work with me privately (either by yourself or with your partner), book a free consultation with me HERE.
- Curious about the women only membership STOKED? Click Here For More Info.
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