It’s a brand new year! It’s the time for intentions, self-reflection, and goal setting. And I’m here for it!
But sometimes we can try to cram in so many goals around health, wealth, family life, and work that we forget that our soul has desires too.
Our soul desires to connect, create, and contribute to the world around us. It’s important that we don’t brush these aside for the more pressing goals that we’re driven to.
So – grab a cup of tea or joe …. and listen on to discover 2 goals that will fill your life with more fun and ease this year! Don’t worry – these are goals that won’t create pressure. These goals will create FREEDOM in your body and soul!
Listen on!
Mentioned On The Show
- The NEW YouTube Channel
- Go to https://www.rachaelcunningham.com/ for a Free Class on How To Change Your Relationship With One Shift.
- Book a free consultation and learn more about 1:1 coaching HERE.
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